All Saints' Day, also known as All Hallows' Day, is celebrated annually on November 1 in Gabon. This holiday is a Christian celebration in honor of all the saints, known and unknown, and even sometimes in memory of deceased relatives. This day is a public holiday in Gabon, leading to closed businesses and schools, providing an opportunity for everyone to attend church services.

This day in Gabon is marked with religious fervor and solemnity. People celebrate All Saints' Day with church services and prayers, visiting the graves of their loved ones to light candles, lay flowers and offer prayers. The churches also hold special masses where they recall the lives of the saints and ask for their intercession.

Apart from the religious aspect, this day is also a time for families in Gabon to come together and strengthen their bonds. It is a moment for reflection, remembrance, and celebration of lives well lived. Thus, All Saints' Day in Gabon symbolizes the communion between the living and the dead, the present and the past, and serves to remind the Gabonese people about the enduring values of faith, hope, and love.