All Saints' Day, known as 'Toussaint' in Ivory Coast, is observed annually on November 1st. This public holiday serves as a day for Ivorians, like many people around the world, to honor all saints. Saints are individuals who have lived lives of exemplary holiness, according to Christian belief, and are believed to presently live blissfully in Heaven.

The holiday is observed by both the Christian and non-Christian populations in the country. On this day, families gather together for a feast in honor of all known and unknown saints. Many people also visit the graves of their loved ones to clean and decorate them with flowers and candles, a tradition that represents the light of Christ that eternally shines on the souls of the saints.

All Saints' Day is also seen as an occasion for individuals to reflect on their personal lives and their continued commitment to Christianity in the Ivory Coast. Many believers spend the day contemplating and giving thanks for the lives of the saints, seeking inspiration and guidance from their revered lives. The celebration showcases the deep-seated religiosity of the Ivorian people and their long-standing Christian traditions.

Upcoming All Saints' Day holidays in Ivory Coast

All Saints' Day 2026

01 Nov 2026

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