All Saints' Day, also known as the Feast of All Saints, is a significant annual holiday that is observed in many countries around the world, including Luxembourg. This day is set aside to honor all the saints, known and unknown, that have reached the glory of heaven. It is celebrated on the 1st of November in the Western Christian calendar, following the eve of All Hallows, often known as Halloween.

In Luxembourg, All Saints' Day is recognized as a public holiday. It is a day associated with remembering and showing respect to late family members and loved ones. The Luxembourgish people generally observe this day by visiting the cemeteries, decorating the graves of their departed ones, lighting candles, and offering prayers. It is both a solemn and a communal day when people come together to honor those who have passed on.

Throughout the day, religious services are held at churches across Luxembourg. These services involve special prayers for all saints and for the souls who have departed. The chimes of the church bells echo through towns and villages, adding to the serene ambiance of the day. Traditionally, Luxembourgers also have a family gathering on All Saints' Day where they share meals and spend the day together. Despite its somber nature, the holiday also brings communities and families closer together in remembrance and celebration of the lives of their loved ones.