All Souls' Day, also known as the Day of the Dead, is a traditional holiday in the Philippines that is celebrated on the 2nd of November each year. It is a day to remember deceased family members and loved ones. This Catholic event rooted from the belief that the souls of the departed will achieve spiritual purity through prayers and sacrifices of the living.
During All Souls' Day in the Philippines, people visit the gravesites of their deceased loved ones, often spending their entire day there. It is common to see families cleaning and decorating graves, offering up flowers, candles, and sometimes food. Some even stay overnight, singing and praying, creating an atmosphere that is more festive than somber.
All Souls' Day in the Philippines is not only a day of remembrance but also of reunion with family members. This practice underscores the strong familial ties in Filipino culture. It is also a central part of the Philippine's vibrant yet respectful celebration of death, believing in the continuity of life after death and the strong connection between the living and the departed.