Ascension of Jesus Christ, also known as Ascension Day, is a significant occasion in Indonesia celebrated 40 days after Easter Sunday. This Christian holiday commemorates Jesus Christ's ascension to heaven following his crucifixion and resurrection. Despite the majority being Muslims, Indonesian authorities acknowledge the diversity of religious beliefs present in their country, and consequently, the Indonesian government has declared Ascension Day a public holiday for everyone.

The celebration of Ascension Day in Indonesia is marked by solemn and meaningful religious services. The Christian community, comprising both Catholic and Protestant denominations, aesthetically utilize this day to conduct church services where the biblical account of Jesus Christ's ascension is retold and celebrated. The day is also used as an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of Jesus' teachings and his ultimate sacrifice that led to this ascension.

Beyond the church services, the Ascension of Jesus Christ in Indonesia is about family gatherings and spending time with loved ones. It serves as a day of remembrance, and it brings families and communities together in a celebration of faith and unity. On this day, many Christians also engage in charitable activities as a way of carrying out Jesus’ teachings of love and compassion. Despite individual beliefs, many non-Christian communities also respect the solemnity of the day, reflecting Indonesia's vibrant culture of religious harmony and co-existence.