The Battle of Angamos is a significant national holiday celebrated in Peru every year on October 8. This holiday marks a crucial historical event - the Battle of Angamos, which took place in 1879. It is during this battle that Admiral Miguel Grau Seminario, commonly known as the 'Knight of the Seas’, lost his life. Despite the defeat, Grau is considered a national hero in Peru for his bravery, honour, and commitment to his homeland.

On this day each year, Peruvians pay tribute to the fallen soldiers who participated in the Battle of Angamos during the War of the Pacific between Peru and Chile. The holiday is filled with numerous official and unofficial events including military parades, historical reenactments, and school ceremonies. Throughout the day, the extraordinary courage displayed by Grau and his men is remembered and respected.

Apart from the public displays of patriotism, the Battle of Angamos holds a deep-rooted significance in Peruvian history and society. It forced the nation to reconsider its naval strategies, which led to a significant military reform. The holiday also serves to cherish the memory of Admiral Grau, whose principles of honour, loyalty, and sacrifice continue to be admired by Peruvians today. Despite the years that have passed since the Battle of Angamos, it remains a symbol of national unity and perseverance in the face of adversity.