Boqueron Battle Victory Day is a significant holiday that is observed annually in Paraguay. This holiday commemorates the end of the Battle of Boquerón that transpired during the Chaco War between Paraguay and Bolivia. The observance takes place every 29th of September to honor the victory of Paraguayan forces in this crucial battle which marked the turning point of the war in favor of Paraguay.

The Battle of Boquerón, which the holiday celebrates, took place between September 9 and 29, in 1932. It pertains to the opening conflict of the Chaco War, the most important war in South America in the 20th century. The battle was particularly significant because it was fought in the harsh and desolate Gran Chaco region, with the Paraguayan troops managing to achieve victory against the odds, thereby giving a significant boost to the nation's morale.

Nowadays, the Boqueron Battle Victory Day continues to be enthusiastically celebrated in Paraguay. It serves not only as a reminder of a significant triumph, but also as a tribute to the resilience and bravery of the Paraguayan soldiers who fought in the battle. The day is marked with various activities including parades, military displays, and other official ceremonies. Schools, offices, and businesses are closed as the entire nation commemorates this significant historical event in Paraguay's history.