Carnival in Ecuador is a vibrant and colorful event celebrated nationwide, usually falling in the month of February. It is a public holiday which extends over a four-day weekend leading up to Lent, and is a time for Ecuadorians to engage in festivities before the more solemn period of religious observance begins. The Carnival is marked with parades, parties, music, dance, and an excess of food and drink, making it one of the major events in the Ecuadorian annual calendar.

A unique tradition of the Carnival in Ecuador involves the playful throwing of water balloons, flour, and even eggs at friends, family members, and sometimes, unsuspecting passersby. This centuries-old tradition is believed to stem from indigenous celebrations of the second moon, which involved similar antics in an effort to symbolically cleanse the soul. Today, it is not uncommon to see large groups of people, both locals and tourists, engaged in these playful water fights, adding to the festive and exuberant atmosphere of the holiday.

Notably, different regions in the country offer unique twists to the Carnival. The city of Guaranda is famous for its Carnival due to its elaborate festivities featuring folk dances, traditional music and parades, while Ambato hosts the Festival of Fruits and Flowers, an important agricultural fair showcasing the region’s produce in line with the celebrations. Regardless of how it is celebrated, Carnival in Ecuador is a time for joyous celebration and indulgence, offering a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of the South American country.