Christmas Day, also known as Nha Nhu or Nhu Nha, is a significant annual celebration in the island country of Cabo Verde. Also known as Cape Verde, the nation is located off the northwestern coast of Africa and comprises ten islands, each with unique customs and traditions. Thus, Christmas Day in Cabo Verde is a unique fusion of African, Portuguese, and Catholic influences, reflecting the country's rich cultural and historical tapestry.

Preparation for Christmas Day in Cabo Verde begins weeks in advance. Families clean and decorate their homes with festive ornaments, including nativity scenes and brightly lit Christmas trees. In the local markets, people buy nhoque de banana, xerém, and other traditional Cabo Verdean dishes to prepare for the festive meals. Children eagerly anticipate the arrival of 'Natal' or Santa Claus, who brings gifts and joy to homes.

On Christmas Day itself, Cabo Verdeans gather in churches for Mass, where they engage in prayers and hymns to honour the birth of Jesus Christ. Following this is a day spent with family and friends, sharing festive meals, exchanging gifts, and participating in dances and songs. Christmas Day in Cabo Verde isn't just an observance of a religious event; it is also a celebration of togetherness, love, and community spirit, core values inherent to the nation's ethos.