Christmas Day in Dominica is a national holiday and is traditionally celebrated with much fervor and joy. Dominica, primarily a Christian country, observes Christmas Day on the 25th of December every year, like most nations worldwide. This day is meant to honor the birth of Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity. Traditionally, the festivities begin on Christmas Eve and continue through to Boxing Day, giving the celebration a 3-day span.

During the holiday, houses and streets across Dominica are decorated with colorful lights, Christmas trees, and traditional festive ornaments. The air is filled with the caroling and the scent of delicious local food specialities being prepared. Families and friends gather for feasts that feature traditional dishes such as roasted meats, rice and peas, and the unique 'black cake.' The black cake is a type of Christmas fruitcake that's a distinctive part of the holiday tradition in Dominica.

In addition to the food and decorations, the spirit of sharing and giving is prevalent during Christmas in Dominica. It is common to share one's food and drink with neighbours, friends, and even strangers during this time. People attend church services, exchange gifts, and send greetings to loved ones. Furthermore, late-night parties, known as Serenade or Seré, carry on well into the early hours of the morning, adding much enjoyment and vivacity to the island's Christmas celebration.