Christmas Day is celebrated in Malaysia, just as it is in many parts of the world. As a multicultural country with a significant Christian population, Christmas Day is a public holiday in Malaysia. The festivity is marked by the differing elements of Western and local customs that have been incorporated to create a unique Malaysian Christmas experience. Major shopping districts and households are cheerfully decorated with Christmas trees and colorful festive embellishments.

Contrary to the wintery Christmas celebrations in many Western countries, Christmas in Malaysia is celebrated in a tropical setting. Many Malaysian Christians attend Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services at local churches, where carols are sung and the nativity story is re-enacted. Churches often have nativity plays and candlelight services. Moreover, various charity events and food drives are held during this season, emphasizing the 'giving' spirit of Christmas.

In Malaysian cities such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang, shopping malls and hotels often hold their own Christmas events and have large Christmas displays. Much like other parts of the world, there is a custom of gift-giving, and many families will have a Christmas Dinner. Despite being a predominantly Muslim country, the Christmas spirit is vividly alive in Malaysia. From the grand decorations and festive sales in shopping malls to the joyful carols on the radio, the multicultural Malaysia embraces and experiences the cheer of Christmas.