Christmas Day in Seychelles is a significant celebration that brings the entire community together. It is celebrated annually on December 25th, marking the birth of Jesus Christ according to Christian belief. This holiday is a national public holiday in Seychelles, ensuring that most businesses and schools are closed, enabling people to spend quality time with family and friends. It is not just an event for the Christian population, but it is embraced by the entire country, fostering national unity and harmony.

The preparation for Christmas in Seychelles usually begins weeks in advance. Homes are thoroughly cleaned and decorated with Christmas lights, nativity scenes, and other festive ornaments. Shopping centres and streets are adorned with Christmas decors providing a festive feel across towns and cities. Traditional Christmas foods such as roast chicken or turkey, rice, and a variety of local dishes are meticulously prepared. It is also not uncommon for people to attend Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, honoring the arrival of the Christ child.

On Christmas Day, families come together to open presents, share meals, and enjoy each other's company. Caroling is a big part of Christmas Day, with people often going from house to house singing Christmas carols. Seychelles also holds numerous parties, dance events, and concerts around the Christmas season, offering a host of entertainment for both locals and tourists. Despite being an archipelago with a unique mix of different cultures, Christmas Day in Seychelles brings an outstanding level of unity among its people.

Upcoming Christmas Day holidays in Seychelles

Christmas Day 2026

25 Dec 2026

Christmas Day 2027

25 Dec 2027