Commemoration of the Dead is a significant holiday observed in the Republic of San Marino. Also known as All Souls' Day, this holiday provides an opportunity for the residents of San Marino to remember and honor their deceased loved ones. This holiday is widely respected and is celebrated every year on November 2. It is deeply rooted in Christian beliefs, although its observance goes beyond religious affiliations as it has cultural and familial aspects as well.

During the Commemoration of the Dead, it is customary for families to visit the graves of their departed loved ones. They light candles and place flowers, especially chrysanthemums, which are traditionally associated with death in San Marino and other parts of Europe. People also attend religious services and mass. Churches are usually filled with people offering prayers for all souls in purgatory.

San Marino's commemoration of the Dead also includes sharing traditional meals. Families come together to prepare and then enjoy specially cooked dishes. Recipes often vary from family to family, usually being passed down through generations. This combination of somber reflection, familial warmth, and feasting demonstrates the deep-rooted respect and harmony observed during this holiday. The Commemoration of the Dead is not merely a day of mourning; it is a day of remembering the joy and love shared with those who are no longer physically present.