Constitution Day in Cambodia is celebrated every year on the 24th of September. This national holiday commemorates the official adoption of the constitution by the Cambodia Constituent Assembly in 1993. It signifies the establishment of a democratic government following decades of political unrest, civil war, and genocide. It is a day of great importance that marks the sovereignty and unity of the nation.

On Constitution Day, the entire country of Cambodia takes part in the celebrations. Flag raising ceremonies are held at public places like schools, government institutions, and public squares followed by speeches to emphasize the significance of the constitution. The day is also marked with cultural events and educational activities around the importance of the constitution and the values it represents such as the rule of law, human rights, and democracy.

Furthermore, Constitution Day serves as an opportunity to deepen the understanding of the Cambodian citizens about their rights and duties outlined in the constitution. It's a day for Cambodians to appreciate the peace and stability that the constitution has brought after a chapter of atrocities and chaos in their history. It is indeed a day to reflect on the journey that the nation has undertaken, and to look forward in the pursuit of progress and prosperity for all its citizens.