Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity is a public holiday observed in Argentina. The holiday was initially called 'Day of the Race' or 'Día de la Raza', a commemoration of the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the Americas. However, the terminology was adjusted in 2010 to recognize and promote respect for cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.

On October 12 each year, celebrations typically honor the various cultures and ethnicities that make up the Argentinian population. The shift from remembering the arrival of Columbus to a focus on cultural diversity represents the country's drive to move away from colonialism and instead celebrate its multicultural identity. This day aims to promote understanding, tolerance and mutual respect among different cultural, ethnic, and religious groups.

The Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity encourages educators, community leaders, and the overall public to foster dialogues that challenge racial and ethnic discrimination. It emphasizes the values of multiculturalism and the richness of diverse societies. In Argentina, this holiday embodies the country's long-standing commitment to human rights, as they were one of the first nations to ratify UNESCO's Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity in 2001.