In Timor-Leste, the Day of the Immaculate Conception is widely observed as a public holiday every December 8. This significant Catholic feast commemorates the belief in the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. It's steeped in faith, religious rites and is a day of celebration for Catholics in the country and around the world. With over 90% of the population of Timor-Leste identifying as Catholic, it's an important date in the religious calendar.

On the Day of the Immaculate Conception, churches and homes in Timor-Leste are beautifully decorated, and special church services are held to honor the Virgin Mary. People gather to celebrate mass, partake in processions and express their faith. The holiday also serves as a time for family gatherings, feasts, and community interaction. The streets of towns and cities are often filled with joyous parades, music and a festive atmosphere.

Durante o Dia da Imaculada Conceição, as igrejas e as casas no Timor-Leste são lindamente decoradas, e serviços especiais de igreja são realizados em honra da Virgem Maria. As pessoas se reúnem para celebrar a missa, participar de procissões e expressar sua fé. O feriado também serve como um momento para encontros familiares, banquetes e interação com a comunidade. As ruas das cidades e vilas estão frequentemente preenchidas com desfiles alegres, música e uma atmosfera festiva.