Easter Monday is a significant holiday celebrated widely amongst the Lithuanian population. The day, which follows Easter Sunday, is a public holiday in the country. Lithuanians view it as an extension of the joy and commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ which is celebrated on Easter Sunday. It is a day known for gatherings of family and friends, enjoying festive meals and partaking in traditional Lithuanian Easter customs.

Among the various customary activities of Easter Monday, one of the most popular is 'Velyku Bobute'. In this tradition, children visit their relatives and neighbors and recite Easter rhymes or sing traditional Easter songs. In exchange, they usually receive gifts such as painted eggs (known as 'marguciai'), sweets, or money. The tradition is comparable to 'Trick or Treat' during Halloween in Western countries, but without the tricks and costumes.

Another unique custom is the 'Easter Egg Fight' where participants smash their 'marguciai' against those of other participants. The person whose egg remains intact till last is considered the winner, and it is believed that person will be healthy and strong throughout the year. These customs make Easter Monday an important and exciting part of Lithuanian culture, fostering togetherness in the society.