Easter Monday is a widely celebrated public holiday in Papua New Guinea, following Easter Sunday which marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to Christian belief. As the country has a significant Christian population, Easter Monday holds a great cultural and religious significance. Many Papua New Guineans attend church services, engage in Christian rites and prayers, and spend quality time with their families on this day.
Apart from its religious undertones, Easter Monday in Papua New Guinea is also known for cultural events and festivities. Unique traditional activities include playing games, storytelling, singing, and dancing. Some of these activities subtly incorporate Christian themes, creating a beautiful fusion of the traditional and religious celebrations. Also, it is common for people to host and attend large feasts with friends and family, featuring local delicacies.
Furthermore, the holiday is often extended to a retreat weekend enabling families and friends to travel together, explore nature, or relax at home. Schools, public offices and most businesses are closed, allowing everyone to participate in the celebrations. Overall, Easter Monday in Papua New Guinea is not just a continuation of Easter, it is a special day characterized by national unity, cultural resurgence, and spiritual reflection.