Easter Saturday, also known as Holy Saturday or Black Saturday, is a significant holiday in Honduras. It serves as the final day of the Holy Week, and it falls on the day before Easter Sunday. As part of the Christian tradition, Easter Saturday commemorates the day when Jesus Christ lay in the tomb after his death on Good Friday. This holiday is traditionally observed by fasting and prayer as it is seen as a time for reflection and anticipation for the joy of Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

In Honduras, Easter Saturday is celebrated through a mix of religious and cultural activities. On this day, devout Hondurans typically attend special church services known as Easter Vigils. The Easter Vigil includes special liturgical sequences commemorating the Resurrection of Christ. This consists of a total darkness setting symbolizing the despair felt after Christ’s death and gradually building to an explosion of light, symbolizing the joy felt upon Jesus's resurrection. Along with the religious fervor, this day is also filled with festive excitement as locals prepare for the Easter Sunday Celebrations.

Despite the solemnity of Easter Saturday, it also marks the turning point from sorrow to joy as it anticipates the commemoration of Christ's resurrection. In a cultural context, this day also serves as an opportunity for families to come together. Some Hondurans make use of this holiday to go on local trips, considering that the Holy week is a non-working holiday. But more than the festivities and the break, for the deeply religious people of Honduras, Easter Saturday remains a time of introspection, prayer, and an anticipation of the Easter miracle.