Family Day is a statutory holiday in Ontario, Canada that celebrates the importance of families and family life to individuals and their communities. Originally recognized in Alberta, this day has now been adopted by several provinces and territories throughout the country. It is a day that many Canadians use to spend quality time with their families, appreciating the love, support, and connectivity they share.

The holiday takes place on the third Monday in February each year in Ontario. The occurrence of this holiday in the middle of winter provides a delightful opportunity for families to indulge in winter activities such as ice skating, playing hockey, snowboarding, or even just sipping hot chocolate by the fire. Many community centers and public spaces organize special events or provide discounted rates on this day to encourage families to get together and celebrate.

In light of Family Day, many schools and businesses in Ontario are closed, providing family members the chance to spend the day together. However, it is a public holiday only in the provinces which observe it. Although a relatively new holiday, initiated in 2008, Family Day has rapidly grown in popularity. The intention is to reflect the values of family and home that are so intrinsic to the people of Ontario and those provinces who observe the holiday. Occupying a special place in the hearts of Canadians, it is an embodiment of the Canadian ethos of unity and togetherness.