Father Lini Day is a public holiday in Vanuatu, celebrated every year on February 21st. This day was specially dedicated to commemorate the life and contributions of Father Walter Lini, who is often referred to as the founding father of Vanuatu. He was a political leader who served as the South Pacific island nation's first prime minister after it gained independence from joint British and French rule in 1980.

Walter Lini was not only an influential political figure, but also an Anglican priest. Father Lini championed for Vanuatu's independence and worked tirelessly towards achieving this goal, earning him honor and deep respect among the people. He was viewed as a leader who fought for the preservation of the traditional Melanesian social systems, which he believed were crucial to the country's identity and should co-exist harmoniously with western democratic systems.

On Father Lini Day, the people of Vanuatu host a range of events to celebrate and remember the legacy of the great leader. Various solemn ceremonies, cultural performances, and public speeches are common features of this holiday. The day is a time to reflect on the history of Vanuatu, its fight for independence, and the important role Walter Lini played in its journey. It is a day of national pride, unity, and deep respect for the people of Vanuatu.

Upcoming Father Lini Day holidays in Vanuatu

Father Lini Day 2026

21 Feb 2026