Grand Magal de Touba is Senegal's largest annual religious pilgrimage and a revered event. This holiday is a commemoration of the departure day of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, the founder of the Mouride Brotherhood, from Senegal to Gabon in 1895. The Mouride brotherhood is one of the most influential Sufi orders in Senegal and the event is marked with great devotion and celebration.
The Grand Magal de Touba gathers more than three million people at the Grand Mosque in the city of Touba annually. Special worship consists of reading and chanting Koranic verses, performing praises on the Prophet Muhammad, sharing meals, and offering prayers. The event serves as a unifier, strengthening mutual help, solidarity, and humility among participants. The rituals extend over several weeks with people preparing their journey to the city of Touba with particular care and devotion.
Despite its religious connotation, the Grand Magal de Touba is not only about spirituality. This event also impacts Senegal's socio-economic aspect. Around the event, numerous economic activities are carried out, particularly trade, creating a wide range of business opportunities. Moreover, the celebration supports the hospitality industry as many local and foreign devotees visit the city during this period. Thus, through this event, the country experiences a significant upsurge in economic activity.