Heroes' Day is a national public holiday in Zimbabwe, observed annually on August 12th. This auspicious day is dedicated to the brave men and women who fought and sacrificed their lives during the Zimbabwe War of Liberation. Also known as the Chimurenga war, the conflict led to the end of the white colonial rule, and the birth of the independent Republic of Zimbabwe.

The holiday serves as a day for Zimbabwean citizens to pay tribute and honor to the bravery of those who fought for the freedom and independence of the nation. Ceremonial events are laid on with the main event being held at the National Heroes’ Acre monument in Harare. This sprawling edifice is of great symbolic importance, carrying the remains of numerous national heroes awarded the honor due to their sacrifices and contributions to the independence and wellbeing of Zimbabwe.

Heroes' Day is marked with various festivities including parades, musical concerts, and patriotic speeches by leaders. It is a moment of national unity and reflection, a day to reminisce the journey of freedom and to inspire the future generation about the values of courage, solidarity and patriotism. While it is a day of commemoration and celebration, it also serves as a reminder of the pivotal part that these heroes played in shaping the modern-day Zimbabwe.

Upcoming Heroes' Day holidays in Zimbabwe

Heroes' Day 2026

10 Aug 2026