His Majesty the Third Druk Gyalpo's Birthday is a significant holiday in Bhutan. This day commemorates the birth of the third 'Druk Gyalpo' (Dragon King), Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, who was the third King of Bhutan. Born on May 2, 1929, the third Druk Gyalpo played a pivotal role not just in Bhutan's political sphere, but its transition into the modern-era as well. This holiday, though a tribute to his birth, is also an acknowledgment of his contributions.

Under the reign of Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, Bhutan underwent extensive modernization. The third Druk Gyalpo was instrumental in the creation of many infrastructural, socio-economic, and educational reforms in the kingdom. He initiated the planned development process in 1961 with the goal of 'modernizing' Bhutan, taking it from a medieval state to a modern nation. Further, he propelled the country towards a more democratic governance system by decentralizing the administration process.

Druk Gyalpo's birthday celebrations in Bhutan are often characterized by nationwide festivities. The Bhutanese people pay homage to the memory of their beloved king with a public holiday, a testament to his impact and everlasting influence on the nation. Schools and offices remain closed, and numerous cultural and traditional events are held. The joy and reverence during this holiday encapsulate the Bhutanese people's respect for their past as well as their aspiration for a future that continues the legacy of their third king.