Independence Day in Antigua and Barbuda, celebrated every year on 1st November, is one of the most significant holidays in the country. It marks the day the twin-island state gained its independence from British rule back in 1981. This day is filled with a variety of festivities, cultural performances and patriotic displays, making it one of the most beloved holidays for the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda.

In the weeks leading up to Independence Day, the country is alive with excitement and festive activities. The entire nation is decorated in the national colours of red, blue, and white, with homes and businesses showing their national pride. There are also numerous events such as concerts, dance performances, food fairs, and sports competitions that are enjoyed by both locals and tourists alike.

On the actual day of Independence, a parade and a ceremonial event are usually held, featuring the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force. Other events include community gatherings, exhibitions and school programs, all of which culminate into a grand fireworks display. Independence Day in Antigua and Barbuda is not just a day of fun and festivity, but also a time for the people to reflect on their history and celebrate the courage and determination that led to their freedom.

Upcoming Independence Day holidays in Antigua and Barbuda

Independence Day 2026

01 Nov 2026