Independence Day in Barbados is a public holiday that marked on the 30th of November each year. This special day commemorates the country's independence from British rule on November 30th, 1966. It is one of the most anticipated and celebrated national holidays, holding the entire nation's attention with an array of events and activities displaying the richly diverse culture, traditions, and history of Barbados.

The lead up to Independence Day is characterized by a month-long flurry of cultural activities known as 'Independence Festival'. During this period, Barbadians participate with great enthusiasm in various events scattered across the island. Residential and commercial buildings are adorned with the colours of their national flag – blue, yellow, and black. National pride is well apparent in all corners of the island nation. The festival often includes traditional music, dance performances, local food fairs, and sports events, all culminating in a grand parade on the day of Independence.

On the day of the Independence, a grand parade takes place at the Garrison Savannah, where military personnel, members of uniformed organizations, and government officials come together in a show of national solidarity. The formalities of the day often include an address from the Governor-General and Prime Ministers. Besides, the evening sky is lit up with spectacular fireworks displays - a fitting end to a day that marks the nation's freedom and progress. Independence Day in Barbados is not just a day off from work or school, it is a day when Barbadians celebrate their history and anticipate their future with a sense of national pride and unity.