Independence Day, also known as 'Día de la Independencia', is an annually celebrated national holiday in Cuba. Held on October 10, this prominent event marks the beginning of the Ten Years War, a significant phase in the Cuban struggle for independence from Spanish colonial rule. This day evokes a strong sense of patriotism and pride among the Cubans as they commemorate the significant steps towards their liberty.

This holiday is filled with various activities that foster togetherness and nationalism. Parades often take place, combined with firework displays and military processions to remember and honor the sacrifice and bravery of those who fought for Cuba's freedom. In addition, this holiday is also known for its music concerts, dancing, and lively parties celebrating Cuban culture and independence.

Cuban Independence Day also allows its citizens to remember their history and culture in profound ways. Schools across the country educate their students about the importance of this day and the history leading up to independence. Moreover, as families and friends gather to enjoy the holiday across Cuba's stunning landscapes, it provides a moment to reflect the critical juncture when Cuba transitioned from being just a colony to a self-governed nation.