Independence Day in Eswatini, also known as Somhlolo Day, is celebrated on the 6th of September every year. This day marks the country's full independence from British rule in 1968. It's one of the most significant national holidays in Eswatini, celebrated with immense pride, joy, and commemorative events across the kingdom. Whether in the buzzing urban centers or serene rural areas, the day is filled with cultural exhibitions and festivities highlighting the rich Swazi heritage.
One of the highlights of the Independence Day celebrations in Eswatini is the traditional parade, usually held at the national stadium and attended by the King himself. The parade showcases the country's defense forces in their full ceremonial regalia, schools, marching bands and traditional dance troupes. Local residents and visitors alike dress in vibrant Swazi attire, expressing their national pride and cultural identity. Speeches are delivered by national leaders including the King, focusing on the history of their nation, its achievements and future aspirations.
Apart from the official state celebrations, Independence Day in Eswatini is a day for communities and families to come together, reflecting a strong sense of unity and national identity. Traditional music, dance and food play a substantial part in the day's festivities. Community gatherings, feasts, and sporting events are also common features of the annual celebration. As they observe this important day in their national calendar, people of Eswatini pay homage to their ancestors, freedom fighters, and everyone who contributed to the independence and progress of their Kingdom.