Independence Day, also known as Statehood Day, is the national holiday of Kosovo. This important day is celebrated annually on the 17th of February, marking the country's declaration of independence from Serbia. The initial declaration was adopted on this date in 2008, in which the Assembly of Kosovo declared Kosovo to be an independent and sovereign state.

The festivities of Independence Day in Kosovo encapsulate the pride and unity of the Kosovar people. Celebrations often involve adorning the streets of the capital city, Pristina, and other towns and cities across Kosovo with the country’s flag. Music, parades, fireworks, and numerous cultural events held in public spaces serve to honor this momentous occasion. This display of national pride reflects the triumphant spirit of Kosovo's residents who fought tirelessly for their nation’s autonomy.

The jubilation that defines Kosovo’s Independence Day does not only reverberate within its geographical borders, but it is also mirrored by Kosovar communities globally. These international displays of solidarity serve to affirm Kosovo's identity on a global stage. Despite the ongoing political challenges faced by the country, Independence Day stands as an annual reminder to the world of the strength, resilience, and determination of the Kosovar people in their journey towards sovereignty.

Upcoming Independence Day holidays in Kosovo

Independence Day 2026

17 Feb 2026