Independence Day in Yemen, also known as Revolution Day, is celebrated on November 30. This public holiday commemorates the day in 1967 when the country gained independence from the United Kingdom, marking the end of British rule in Southern Yemen. Independence Day is a significant day in Yemen's history architecting its sovereignty and national identity.

This day is marked by a variety of festivities and events across the country. It is common to see public and private spaces adorned with decorations, often in the colors of the Yemeni flag. Parades, fireworks, and other public demonstrations of national pride are also standard. It is a day filled with patriotic fervor, with Yemenis showing their respect and appreciation for the struggles faced by their ancestors.

In addition to its cultural significance, Independence Day has political implications as well. The day often features speeches and official statements from the country's leaders, reflecting on the process of Yemen's independence and the current challenges faced by it. Despite the ongoing political instability and conflicts, this day serves as a unifying event, reminding Yemenis of their shared history and resilience.

Upcoming Independence Day holidays in Yemen

Independence Day 2026

30 Nov 2026