Islamic New Year, also known as Hijri New Year, is an important annual celebration in Bahrain, a country that boasts a predominantly Muslim populace. The date for this holiday is not fixed according to the Gregorian calendar but relies on the lunar-based Islamic calendar. Islamic New Year marks the migration of the Prophet Mohammed from Mecca to Medina, which is considered a significant historical event in Islamic history.

In Bahrain, this holiday is a chance for self-reflection, prayer, and family gatherings. People take time off work, children have vacations from school, and numerous religious and cultural activities take place. Many choose this time for religious devotion, extra prayer, or reading verses from the Qur'an. It is a moment for individuals to put aside their daily routines and commit themselves fully to their faith.

Despite the solemnity of the Islamic New Year, it is also a time of joy and celebration in Bahrain. Traditional meals are prepared, gifts are exchanged, and families gather together in a festive spirit. It brings people closer to their religious roots, reinforcing the country's strong Islamic identity. Important though it is, this holiday also emphasizes the core elements of love, peace, and humanity that are part of the Islamic tradition.