Kamuzu Day is a public holiday in Malawi that is observed annually on May 14th. This day is dedicated to the honor and remembrance of Hastings Kamuzu Banda, a significant and influential leader who served as the Prime Minister and later the President of Malawi. Banda is best known for guiding Malawi to independence in 1964, extricating it from the clutches of British colonial rule.

During his years in power, Banda implemented policies to improve the country’s infrastructure, education system, and health services. Although controversial and often remembered for his autocratic leadership style, Banda is nonetheless commemorated as a crucial player in Malawi's journey to independence. On Kamuzu Day, the nation pays tribute to his contributions and legacy, celebrating the gains achieved throughout Banda's tenure, which lasted from 1966 until 1994.

Kamuzu Day is filled with various activities and events organized by the government and different social groups. These can include speeches, parades, community services, and many forms of artistic displays such as music, dance and drama. This day is not just about honoring Banda, but also about encouraging the Malawi people to cultivate patriotism, unity and perseverance in the face of adversity. However, Kamuzu Day is also a reflection of Malawi's complicated history, illuminating the complex relationship between its colonial past and post-colonial present.