The King's Birthday is one of the most significant holidays in the Kingdom of Bhutan. This is the day when the entire nation gathers to celebrate the birth anniversary of their monarch. Held annually on February 21, it is a day of nationwide celebration and the most observed holiday in the country. The King’s Birthday is an official public holiday, and its celebration infuses a spirit of unity, loyalty, and reverence among the people of Bhutan.

On this day, the King’s portrait is respectfully displayed in all houses, shops, and public places, symbolizing the people's deep respect and loyalty to their leader. The bhutanese flood the streets and squares, dressed in their finest traditional attire, participating in festivities that include cultural performances, sporting events, and religious rituals. The Bhutanese people, displaying their unique cultural identity, celebrate the King's Birthday with a lot of joy and enthusiasm.

The King's rule in Bhutan is characterized by benevolence and dedication to the welfare of his people. Thus, his birthday provides an opportunity for the people to express their gratitude and loyalty to their King. Prayers are offered for the King's long life, good health, and continued prosperity of the country. The King's Birthday has a profound impact on Bhutan's culture and national unity, making it a truly unmissable holiday in the country's calendar.