Labor Day, known as 'Día del Trabajo' in El Salvador, is a public holiday celebrated annually on May 1st. This day is dedicated to all workers as a tribute to their contributions and efforts to the country's economic and social development. This occasion is recognized not only in El Salvador but across many countries around the world. It is a day when workers' rights and achievements are acknowledged and celebrated.

Marking the anniversary of the historic labour union movement, Labor Day is a time for gatherings, parades, and various public events. In El Salvador, people traditionally participate in protests and marches to raise awareness about labor rights and labor conditions. These events are often organized by labor unions and are attended by people of all walks of life, including non-union employees and unemployed citizens.

However, Labor Day in El Salvador is not only about demonstrations and protests. Many Salvadorans also celebrate this holiday by spending time with family and friends, enjoying a day off work. It also serves as a symbolic transition period between the heat of the dry season and the refreshing rains of the wet season. Despite the serious and somber reflections that the day can inspire, there is also a sense of gratitude and celebration that unites citizens across the country on this special day.