Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day, is a significant public holiday in Bangladesh celebrated annually on May 1st. It is a day dedicated to honoring the hard working labourers and workers across numerous industries. This holiday symbolizes the numerous struggles, victories, and contributions of the working class and is a time for the labour force in Bangladesh to celebrate their rights and achievements.

Whether they work in factories or in the fields, all Bangladeshi workers come together on this day, expressing solidarity and awareness for fair wages, proper working conditions, and equitable employment laws. The history of Labour Day dates back to the 19th century, when labourers fought for their rights, protesting for an eight-hour work day. Bangladesh, being a developing country with a large working class, highly values this holiday and attaches great importance to workers' rights.

Observance of Labour Day in Bangladesh is typically marked by rallies, processions, and gatherings with speeches from union leaders and participants pushing for improved conditions and rights for workers. The government, various trade unions and organizations arrange different programs, seminars and rallies where leaders deliver speeches, promising to promote workers’ rights. Despite the struggle and hardships faced by Bangladesh workers, Labour Day serves as a powerful reminder of their resilience, dedication, and indispensable role in the nation's progress.