Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day, is celebrated on 1st May every year in Belgium. It is a public holiday dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers worldwide. Despite a wide variety of Labor Day traditions and activities around the globe, the holiday invariably pays tribute to the labor movement and the power of collective action by workers, who are essential for the engines of productivity and prosperity.

On this day, many businesses and schools close, and majority of the population get the day off. A variety of events are organized throughout the country such as parades, marches, and festivities, often led by the labor unions. Specifically, in the capital Brussels, labor unions organize a major annual demonstration that often includes speeches by prominent political figures regarding worker’s rights and issues.

Labour Day in Belgium is not only a day to honor the contributions of laborers, but it's also a day of solidarity. It serves as a vital annual reminder about workers' rights, dignity, and the importance of fair employment conditions. It is a day when laborers are acknowledged for their hard work, something that is essential to any nation's economic success.