Labour Day, celebrated annually on May 1 in Chad, is one of the most important holidays in the country. It is a day when workers from all professions and sectors come together to recognize and celebrate their contributions to the growth and prosperity of the nation. The day also pays tribute to the labour movement, advocating for economic and social achievements of workers such as the creation of the 8-hour work day.

On this day, activities such as marches, rallies and parades are held throughout major cities, particularly the capital city of N'Djamena. Workers gather to raise awareness about their rights and working conditions, and advocate for further improvements. Governmental and non-governmental organizations often host events, providing a platform for discussions related to labour laws and practices, ongoing issues and potential resolutions.

In addition to the public events, people in Chad celebrate Labour Day privately with their families and friends. It is a day-off for almost every worker, providing a chance for rest and relaxation. Labour Day in Chad underlines the importance of the working class in shaping and maintaining the nation's economy while marking the international togetherness and solidarity among workers worldwide. With each annual celebration, Chad renews its commitment to improve labour conditions across the country.