Labour Day in Comoros is celebrated on May 1st each year, a tradition shared with many other nations around the globe. This public holiday, also known as International Workers' Day, holds significant value to the working population of Comoros. The purpose of this day is to honor the tireless efforts and contributions of workers, and to acknowledge the rights and protection they deserve.

On this day, marches and demonstrations are commonly seen across the country, workers from various fields unite to voice their needs and concerns. It is a way to express their solidarity and advocate for improved working conditions, fair pay, and overall respect for their work. These activities are usually peaceful and are designed to promote the importance of economic and social achievements of the workforce.

Apart from these rallies, Labour Day is also a day of rest for the hardworking people of Comoros. Many enjoy the off-day by spending quality time with their families, attending community events or simply relaxing. Nonetheless, the underlying theme of the day remains the same, to express gratitude towards the labour forces and to highlight the importance of their rights.