Labour Day in Gambia, also known as International Worker's Day or May Day, is celebrated every May 1st similar to many other countries in the world. It’s a day set aside to honour the contributions and accomplishments of workers in various fields and industries. This public holiday holds significant importance as it recognizes the efforts of the working class, the backbone of the nation's economy.

The observation of Labour Day in Gambia typically includes a range of activities. Unions and labor organizations plan parades, rallies, marches and other public gatherings, aimed at highlighting the importance of workers' rights and advocating for better working conditions. Workers from all sectors, public and private, participate in these events as a way to voice their concerns and to stand in solidarity for their rights.

However, it isn’t only a day for advocacy. Labour Day in Gambia is also a day for relaxation and enjoyment. After the parades and rallies, many Gambians spend the rest of the day in the company of family and friends, enjoying the numerous public and private events held throughout the country. These activities often include recreational activities, like soccer games and cultural performances, effectively mixing fun with the serious intent of the day.