Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day or May Day, is a holiday celebrated in Haiti on May 1st annually. This public holiday is a day designed to honor the labor force, appreciating their contributions towards building and sustaining the nation. In Haiti, it is a time of the year when the government and organizations express their gratitude towards workers for their efforts and sacrifices.

The celebration of Labour Day in Haiti is marked by a blend of events and activities. Parades and rallies are orchestrated by trade unions and labor groups, serving as a platform for workers to voice their rights and concerns. These activities aim to show solidarity among the workers and highlight the importance of their contributions to social and economic advancements. Some people also take this day to relax and enjoy leisure activities, as it is an official day off work.

Labour Day in Haiti is not just about celebrating the work force but also about promoting and advocating for better working conditions. The government and various non-governmental organizations use this day to bring awareness to issues such as workers' rights, fair wages, and safe working environments. In a country like Haiti, where many workers are involved in manual labor and agriculture, these issues are of utmost importance. Hence, Labour Day holds a significant importance in the Haitian calendar as it recognises the value of its hardworking people.