Labour Day in Hungary is celebrated on the 1st of May, similar to many other countries worldwide. It is an official public holiday which commemorates the achievements of workers and the labour movement. Originally, Labour Day finds its roots in the industrial revolution, a time when labourers worked for up to 16 hours a day under perilous conditions. As such, this day is also a celebration of the improved rights and conditions of workers that have been gained over many years of struggle.

Today, Labour Day is celebrated with a mix of political demonstrations, and leisure activities. While it serves as a day to promote and celebrate workers' rights, it is also considered as the first day of spring, so many Hungarians participate in outdoor activities. Various events are organized throughout the country including concerts, family events, and picnics. In the capital city of Budapest, festivities often take place in the city's parks and squares where many people gather to enjoy live music and various entertainment programmes.

Labour Day in Hungary is also linked with the celebration of the International Workers' Day. This adds another layer of political relevance, where people across the country, particularly in Budapest, participate in parades and demonstrations advocating for workers' rights and social justice. Despite the political undertones of the day, Labour Day is also a time for relaxation and enjoyment. Many people take the opportunity to spend the day with family and friends, enjoy traditional Hungarian cuisine or take part in a variety of public events and parades, marking both the contributions made by workers and the coming of spring.