Labour Day in Lebanon, celebrated on the 1st of May each year, is a designated official holiday that grants workers a day off and celebrates their contributions to society. It mirrors similar celebrations held globally, inspired by the labour rights movement that began in the late 19th century in the United States, which fought for fair work hours, enhanced working conditions, and the acknowledgement of workers' rights.

Although the formal recognition of Labour Day varies from one country to another, in Lebanon, it's a day of relaxation and recognition for workers. Citizens are encouraged to take time off work while several events and ceremonies are held to honor the workforce. These events often include parades, concerts, and even some political rallies, where workers' unions might express their demands and concerns.

Despite being a time for celebration and rest, Labour Day in Lebanon has also been a platform for vocalizing labor issues and grievances. The dire economic situation that Lebanon has been facing, compounded by the effects of the 2020 Beirut explosion and the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in increased inequality, unemployment, and poverty, making the calls for workers' rights and improved conditions even more relevant and urgent.