Labour Day in Mauritania is an annual holiday celebrated on May 1st. This day honors the efforts, achievements, and contributions of workers in the country and is commonly referred to as May Day. The significance of this day goes beyond just a day off work; it is also a time of recognizing the difficulties and struggles faced by laborers and the importance of labor rights.

Mauritania, like many other countries around the world that celebrate Labour Day, is impacted by the historical significance of the labor movement. The day is often marked with parades, public gatherings, speeches, and events organized by trade unions. Schools, government offices, and most businesses are closed on this day as a sign of solidarity and respect for workers.

Despite being an occasion for recognition and celebration, Labour Day in Mauritania also represents a platform for advocating enhanced working conditions and fair labor policies. Unions and workers often utilize this opportunity to voice their demands for improved labor laws, equal pay, and the eradication of child and forced labor. Although Labour Day is a single calendar day, the issues it highlights remain present and relevant throughout the year.