Labour Day, also known as May Day, is a significant holiday in North Korea. It serves as a tribute to all workers and their accomplishments throughout history. On this day, 1st May, North Koreans celebrate the working class, acknowledging the value they bring to society's development and progress. Labour Day in North Korea is based on socialist principles and highlights the rights of workers, emphasizing decent work conditions, fair wages, and social protection for all.

Labour Day celebrations in North Korea are quite fervent and reflect the nation's collective spirit. The day is marked by numerous events unfolding throughout the country. Many North Koreans participate in parades, concerts, and dances. Workers' groups put up performances that showcase traditional music and dance. Workers, especially those who have achieved great feats and success in their field, are recognized and honored during these celebrations.

Despite the festive nature of the holiday, Labour Day in North Korea also serves as a platform for promoting workers' rights and raising awareness about labor issues. The state-controlled media usually features stories that emphasize the value of hard work and diligence. In the midst of the festive parades and public spectacles, Labour Day serves as a reminder to all North Koreans of their role in building their society and nation. Regardless of their job field or designation, every individual's role is given honour and celebrated as being integral to the country's progress.