Lincoln's Birthday is a legal holiday observed in some U.S. states including New Jersey (NJ) on February 12 in honor of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, who was the sixteenth president of the United States of America. The holiday holds significant historical value in the country as Lincoln is regarded as one of the greatest U.S. presidents, owing to his impactful leadership during the American Civil War and his role in the abolition of slavery.

The celebration of Lincoln's birthday is marked by various ceremonies and activities. The day often involves re-enactments, concerts, and political ceremonies to commemorate his contributions to the country. Schools may organize activities for students related to Lincoln's life and history, and some institutions and businesses might conduct special programs and events. Many individuals also honor the day by visiting the multitude of monuments, memorials, and parks dedicated to honoring Lincoln's legacy.

Despite the holiday's national significance, it is not a public holiday across the whole of the United States. Lincoln's Birthday is officially recognized and observed as a local and state holiday in the state of New Jersey (NJ), allowing workers in certain sectors to have the day off. Regardless of where it is officially observed, Lincoln's Birthday continues to be a day where Americans around the nation reflect on Lincoln's enduring values of freedom, democracy, and equality.