Lotu a Tamaiti is a cherished traditional holiday celebrated in Samoa. This specially marked day is essentially a Sunday school service where the complete focus is on celebrating and acknowledging the children of the country. The holiday is celebrated in the month of October. There's no public holiday for Lotu a Tamaiti, but it's an important day in the Christian calendar for Samoa and it’s celebrated with joy, communal gatherings, and traditional ceremonial practices.

The highlight of the Lotu a Tamaiti holiday includes children's performances that typically consist of skits, hymns, and speeches all performed in their native language. During this event, children dress up in their Sunday best, showcasing traditional attires, glowing in pristine whites and their heads are often adorned with elaborate floral crowns. The program usually ends with a ceremonial feast and there are also gift presentations to the children by the elders.

The importance of Lotu a Tamaiti holiday in Samoa cannot be understated as it emphasises Samoa’s dedication to nurture their children with love and respect and raises them in faith. Preparations for this day usually start months in advance at Sunday schools around the islands. Ultimately, this holiday is a reflection of the Samoan society that deeply values and appreciates its children and seeks to foster in them a greater understanding and appreciation of their cultural heritage and Christian faith.