Makira-Ulawa Province Day is a significant regional celebration in Melanesia's Solomon Islands. This special day honors the Makira-Ulawa Province, one of the nation's most biodiverse and culturally rich regions. The province consists of two main islands, Makira (San Cristobal) and Ulawa, along with several smaller islands. The people living in these areas are renowned for their distinctive traditions, languages, and practices.

On Makira-Ulawa Province Day, festivities are held throughout the province to commemorate local culture, accomplishments, and community unity. Residents come together to participate in traditional music and dance performances, artistry, and culinary exhibitions. The event is not only a fantastic opportunity for the locals to strengthen communal bonds, but it also serves as a way to educate outsiders and promote tourism in the area.

The holiday holds a special place in the hearts of the people of the Makira-Ulawa Province. It is an occasion to reflect on their history, pay tribute to their unique culture, and plan for a prosperous future. The celebration's vibrancy and community spirit perfectly embody the Solomon Islands' overall dynamism — a diverse nation in Oceania teeming with rich traditions and breathtaking natural beauty.

Upcoming Makira-Ulawa Province Day holidays in Solomon Islands

Makira-Ulawa Province Day 2026

03 Aug 2026

Makira-Ulawa Province Day 2027

03 Aug 2027