In Somalia, May Day, also known as Workers' Day or Labour Day, is annually celebrated on the first day of May. It is a public holiday recognized and celebrated not only in Somalia but also in many other countries around the world. The day is significant as it represents a historical struggle for workers' rights, particularly the right to have an eight-hour workday. It serves as a tribute and homage to all working men and women and plays a crucial role in highlighting the importance of laborers in the country.

The celebration of May Day in Somalia often features various events and activities to honor the labor movement. These may include marches, demonstrations, and speeches that draw attention to the work conditions and rights of workers. These events are intended to raise awareness of the economic and social achievements of workers, as well as to advocate for improved labor regulations and protections. Trade unions also take part in this celebration to voice out issues that concern labor rights and labor conditions.

Despite the ongoing civil unrest and economic struggles in the country, Somalia continues to acknowledge the importance of May Day. Recognizing this holiday symbolises the country's persistent commitment to better labor conditions, equal rights, and social justice for all its working citizens. It's an affirmation of the country’s respect for workers' rights and their vital contribution to the nation's economy. While the country faces various challenges, the observance of May Day represents a beacon of hope for a fair and prosperous future for all Somali workers.

Upcoming May Day holidays in Somalia

May Day 2026

01 May 2026

May Day 2027

01 May 2027