National Day represents a significant holiday in Kuwait, celebrated every year on the 25th of February. It signifies the day when Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah ascended to the throne in 1950. This day is a fiercely patriotic one, where Kuwaitis come together to show their love for their country, their leaders, and their diverse heritage. With a sense of unity, Kuwaitis take part in various festivities on this day to celebrate their nation's independence and sovereignty.

The celebration of National Day in Kuwait is a vibrant one, marked with an array of events, carnivals, and, most notably, an impressive fireworks display. The streets of Kuwait are adorned with a sea of their national flags, decorative lights, and balloons in public spaces. Parades and marches take place on the streets, with performances from traditional bands and culturally enriched shows. Many people host private gatherings as well, showing their hospitality by offering local delicacies to their guests. The atmosphere in Kuwait during National Day is filled with excitement and joviality.

National Day in Kuwait not only brings about mass festivities, but it also encourages Kuwaitis to reflect on their history and their achievements as a nation since their independence. It is a day of pride and remembrance, marking the overcoming of challenges and embracing the journey towards a prosperous future. Businesses stimulate the economy by offering deals and discounts, making it a great day for shopping as well. The entire day represents a true spectacle of unity, revelry, and tribute to their beloved country.