National Day in the Maldives is a significant event that celebrates freedom and independence. It is observed on the 1st of Rabee ul Awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar. On this day, Maldivians honor the victory of Muhammad Thakurufaanu Al Auzam over the Portuguese occupation in the year 1573. The date of the holiday changes each year since it is determined by the lunar Islamic Calendar. It is a symbol of national unity and the strength of Maldivian heroes who fought and sacrificed their lives for the country's liberation.

The National Day celebrations in the Maldives include a plethora of traditional and national activities. The citizens come together to watch grand parades showcasing the country's military and law enforcement units. Traditional Maldivian dances known as Boduberu along with other cultural performances add to the vibrancy of the celebrations. It's a day filled with national pride, resonating with the historical significance and echoing the fierce spirit of independence among the citizens of Maldives.

The National Day is also a time for Maldivians to relish their national dishes and traditional delicacies. Schools organize various activities that educate students about the heroics of Thakurufaanu and the history associated with the day. Different regions in the Maldives host local festivals where art, culture, and history come alive. The day serves as a rich testament to the Maldivian spirit of resilience, their struggle for freedom and the great love they have for their nation.